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De Gentse RS

founded in 1965. 
All rowers helped that the Watersportbaan (rowing tracks) became  widely know and became for many years the Mekka of the Belgian Rowing sport.

is situated at the "Vissersdijk", which actions as a natural border between the Blaarmeersen and the Watersportbaan. In more than 25 years the GRS-coaches trained hundreds of competition rowers, even recreational rowers.

be well represented on national and international regatta's. On the other hand she offers even beginners as old rowers optimal rowing material by which everyone can satisfy his rowing appetite.

De Gentse RS
pronkt momenteel met haar paradepaard Jaak Van Driessche, olympisch finalist in Barcelona en Gents sportman van het jaar 1992. Voor de GRS-jongeren is hij nog steeds het schoolvoorbeeld van topsporter, waaraan zij zich dagelijks kunnen spiegelen.




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Last updated: 28 januari 2001